


  • Doma Buys the Eggcheese Brand


    DOMA, a.s. Prešov now owns the rights and production facilities for the product variously known as Shmaky, Eggcheese and Šmakoun.

  • Eggcheese in ready-made salads


    DOMA, a.s. has released 4 low-calorie, high-protein salads which are made with Eggcheese to enjoy with little preparation or on-the-go.


Health Experts share their thoughts

PhD Iva Málková
STOP Obesity Agency
Let Us Lose Weight With Iva Málková

Dr. Iva Málková has devoted more than 30 years to the issue of obesity. In 1990, she founded the Association STOB (STop OB survive), which has successfully applied cognitive-behavioral therapy to thousands of clients. A structured program called "Slim with Reason" has been found to be particularly successful in overweight reduction courses, and has been ongoing in 100 cities throughout the country. STOB also publishes information and many aids to facilitate weight reduction, including the website to support the prevention and treatment of excess weight or obesity.

Achieving successful weight reduction requires not only a reduction of the quantity of calories consumed, but also a change in nutritional quality. Important to a healthy diet is the inclusion of a sufficient amount of protein. As a source of protein, animal protein often also contains fat – which generally needs to be reduced. Shmaky allows for the healthy consumption of protein without these fats. It is especially good to note that 100 grams of Shmaky contains only 220 kJ – making it a healthy and enjoyable way to consume important and necessary nutrients. Health-minded individuals could eat Shmaky instead of snack foods like crisps and chips. For example, 100g of peanuts contains about 45g of fat where as twice as much Shmaky contains only 0,5g -- or almost no fat. With Smaky, you don’t have to deprive your taste buds -- only your fat cells.

Prof. MUDr. Josef Hyánek, DrSc. ,
Laboratory of Molecular Diagnostics,
Na Homolce Hospital, Prague

Unhealthy nutrition or life style can cause health problems including weakening blood vessels and organs. Degenerative changes in the human body can lead to multiple disabilities. At just over 52%, cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of untimely deaths in our country.

In advanced industrial countries in Europe and North America, unbalanced nutrition and unhealthy lifestyles can lead to adverse health and obesity. In our country some estimates show that more than half of the population is obese, and the number is still growing not only among adults, but also amongst children. Increased levels of LDL cholesterol (the 'bad' cholesterol) appears to be present in almost half of the population.

The recommended daily number of calories depends in part upon age and level of physical activity. It ranges up to around 2800 kcal for adults -- with 20% protein, 30% fat, and 50% carbohydrates. Protein fulfills a basic building function, and fats and carbohydrates provide energy functions. Menus common to those living a fast-paced, modern lifestyle often lack adequate protein. We have to realise that animal protein also includes fats and carbohydrates. To address this diet issue in clinical practise, we embrace the integration of product Shmaky into our recommended daily menu for patients. Shmaky introduces only first-rate protein made from egg white – albumin – which does not contain carbohydrates, fat or cholesterol. Shmaky can be prepared in different ways according to patients’ preferences and habits. And, while it is useful for reducing weight, it also contributes to a healthy lifestyle for adults and children.
Although we have not been using Shmaky for that long since it’s a newer product, so far we have had very good experience with it.

Tamara Starnovská, Chief Nutritive Therapist,
Department of Clinical Nutrition, FTNsP Prague

The product Eggcheese is very beneficial for using with our patients’ nutrition plans. The main version, without any flavours added, is helpful with strict diets, where the amount of essential protein intake can be achieved without the coincident intake of fat. People with chronic diseases like diabetes and other lipid metabolism disorders can now use a wide variety of products and technologies to help ensure the consumption of high-quality protein without animal fat. Thanks to its delicate taste, Shmaky can be used widely in culinary arts not only as an alternative to meat, but also cheese and cottage cheese. For patients who insist on having meat, Shmaky can still broaden their alternatives. For example, patients who like sausages can mix Shmaky with sausage or chicken as an more healthy lower fat alternative to meat alone.

  19.1.2014 | Pridal: Admin | Odborníci radia | viewed: 42679 times |  