


  • Doma Buys the Eggcheese Brand


    DOMA, a.s. Prešov now owns the rights and production facilities for the product variously known as Shmaky, Eggcheese and Šmakoun.

  • Eggcheese in ready-made salads


    DOMA, a.s. has released 4 low-calorie, high-protein salads which are made with Eggcheese to enjoy with little preparation or on-the-go.


Eggcheese Cutlets

2 slices of Eggcheese, 2 tbsp oil, 100g fine flour, 1 egg, 1 clove of garlic, 1/4 cup of beer, mustard, salt, spices. Serves 2.

Nugetky Eggcheese v cestíčku Whisk egg in beer, add pressed garlic and season it with salt and spices. Fold flour and thicken it
in such a way that slices can be easily coated. Dilute slightly and more if necessary it with
beer. Cut in 2x4 cm slices, dip in prepared batter to form a coating, and deep fry or saute on both sides.
Variations: Garlic can be replaced with soy or BBQ sauce. You can add more butter or get only salt, or season each piece separately or differently.
Potato puree, bread, potato or vegetable salad are some of the recommended side dishes to serve with the cutlets.

  • Nugetky Eggcheese v cestíčku
  15.10.2011 | Pridal: Admin | Recepty | viewed: 29314 times |  